Saturday, 21 April 2018

A Woman's Work

"So. Twenty. You think that will be enough?" Dawn appeared to be talking to herself, as per usual. There was no need to have a phone when your head WAS a phone, amongst other things. "Yes. Yes. I don't know, mother. It doesn't strike me as a good environment. I was in my first Brawl for less than an hour and we still had those issues over the next few years. This idea of yours, well, hope for the best, expect the worst, right? The last time I tried to make things better, we got Chaos. Yes, he's still very firmly sealed up...I like to THINK I'm getting somewhere. I just don't want another Chaos. Our family tree is tangled enough already."

Dawn flicked a switch as she listened to the answer.

"What do you want to do in regards to Kobber info?"

Dawn checked some readings.

"You know they don't like the don't tell them if they don't ask method. Yes, I know this doesn't involve them...but you're doing it, so it involves them by default. Yes. Yes. Yes, I won't tell them. Not unless they ask. Likely only Jaws would, and that seems slim. What precautions are you taking? Good...good...they're doing fine. I am STILL torn on this though, even with the setup I have discovered. I've never really been HURT doing it, but how you made me and how I made them are not the same."

Dawn was quiet, walking around while doing small tasks.

"Yes. I am still planning on challenging that orc. I am curious about how he'll handle someone as unconventional as he and his allies were. Quite frankly I hope he throws together another crazy motley band. All the more fun. Probably just Phillip and I...maybe one or two more, we'll see. No, not for that. Anything else? I think I'm on to something with those bottles that time traveler gave me...yes, I mean, something wholly other than what he wanted. With the Sentai grid sealed off to me now, I think I abused it too much...could be useful.

"You know where I am. We'll do a playdate soon. Talk to you later, mother."

Ending the call, Dawn went to work on the actual process she had been planning to initiate. She had a lot of time on her hands. Her brain went at speeds that were akin to light compared to a traditional human's jet fighter. She didn't have to sleep, and she could multitask in ways no organic mind could. And yet she found herself with so many ideas, so many things she wanted to study. If she was wholly alone, that would have been fine, but she was not. And with the Kobbers due to return to their 'season' soon, she'd rapidly have no time at all.

Hence The Bubble. Based on some stripped down and modified TARDIS tech. She entered it and time slowed down to a near complete stop. There were downsides of course. Nothing organic could go in. Stepping inside rendered organic eyes blind, organic lungs suddenly in a vacuum with air so slow it could take you literally two weeks to draw one breath, and certain quantum 'quirks' that were also very dangerous. Kind of counterproductive if you found your body rapidly transforming into a mass of tumors because the organic aspect was not designed to have altered time inflicted on them, got confused, and went into insane hyper cellular replication that, lacking its proper pace, turned malignant more or less instantly.

Even as a robot, Dawn was limited in what she could bring inside. But she could bring her mind, and that was, for the most part, enough. Stepping into the Bubble, she sat her base form down and assumed a meditation like pose.

In her mind, she looked at them. The Bottles. A strange form of information slash energy containment, focus, and implementation. Used by Kamen Rider Build to activate his particular subset of Rider powers, though she found the process a bit strange. Rabbit/Tank best match? Well, maybe Phillip would say so, considering how often he was complaining about falling apart.

But the Bottles' essence could do more than that...and in very bad ways. How sad that when Dawn found something amazing, she rapidly discovered that it was also used to do something terrible. But when you couldn't control the world, the best thing to do was to try and guide it as you saw fit. And be aware of what you saw and how it related to others, of course. The former without the latter was why there was a massive graveyard, metaphorically speaking, behind the Kobber home, and it kept getting bigger.

Strange how the Keres hadn't ended up there. Not technically. Nor Chaos. But her efforts to stop those dangers had cost her a useful weapon set. She had a feeling that maybe she could eventually tap the UMG again...but that she'd really overdrawn at that bank and she had to fix her 'bad credit' first, to mash and mangle some allegories. But one thing remained unaffected. The Henshin alternates. Parsee first, then Beck, James, Vince, whoever Build was, Dawn had her suspicions, even Dawn herself once...but it seemed that whatever 'overdraft' she had committed in those final Keres battles applied to Dawn's replication of a past Rider. She couldn't re-create it. she'd studied the Bottles, their nature, their possibilities...the connections had begun to form.

She couldn't re-create.

But she was now 80 percent or so sure she could CREATE. She'd need her own solely crafted route, but from what she'd seen with Vince, Build, Beck, James...

It was all becoming clear.



"of course you made a prototype that does that shit. you always do. everyone always does. be smart and destroy it."

"Not yet. I might YET be able to do something with it based on what I learn from the actual equipment."

"this will totally not backfire in any way and become a plot."

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