-Yet Another Normal-By-The-Unusual-Standards-Here afternoon at the Ravensky estate-
“Side training. Babies, we’re ready!”
Some time had passed since the girls had resumed ‘normal arm one inch training’, which, at the moment, was overseen solely by Celeste. Her husband and daughter had set off to go…somewhere and do…something, they hadn’t said what it was. Visiting some old friend of Christopher’s, the girls believed. But, after the most recent session, their mother had indicated they needed to stay put.
A moment later, a romping horde of leowolf pups (who were often the size of normal sized dogs) eagerly bumbled over, feet crunching through the icey, crusty snow remnants, the fresh powder having long been walked into the dirty, semi hard and pitted ice that was defined in some places as “névé’. It had been warm the last few days, and a lot of said snow had melted, but Celeste had indicated that, based on readings their house was getting, a fresh storm was due very soon.
“This training is simple. Just pick up one of the pups, carry it to the marked tree in the forest, and go around it and come back.
“Yes, now. With your hand sore and weakened. The pups will be doing their best to squirm loose to play. Let’s see how well you can handle this with a semi-uncooperative moving bundle and a sore arm with weak fingers. And how well you can match it with your normal, fresh arm. No using your tails. Though any other part of your body is allowed.”
“Understood! Hi there, little fellas.” Venny said, her serious nod vanishing when she looked back down to the pups. “Now, who wants to- Okay, okay!” She bit back her giggle.
“Oh… oh, let’s see here… Who’s gonna…” Vimmy considered, caught between trying to give them all her attention and assessing which one wanted to be carried the most. She was spoiled for choices. It didn’t take them long to pick a pair or hoist them to themselves, but it was immediately an effort just to hold on. The pups were taking to their job well, and with the normal amount of strength both girls had to bring to bear, it wasn’t quite easy or cut and dried. It didn’t bother them, but they meant to succeed.
Setting off across the yard, their own metal feet crunching the latest footsteps in the névé, both the dragons knew this would be the easiest part; They didn’t have to watch their steps much, and could just focus on keeping the Leowolves in the crooks of their arms instead. Even squirming and moving about, Vimmy and Venny were able to respond to their movements and mostly hold their furry burdens. It was still sort of a shock at the difference between a normal arm’s strength and their full boosted capabilities, but even sore and weakened limbs were at least capable enough. Venny tutted and had to wriggle a little herself before bracing her pup with her hips to get it back in position before they broke the treeline and headed into the forest.
“Aw… Who’s a good boy? I know, I know, you want to have fun on the ground, but this is important, so you just-” Vimmy said, grunting from effort. The Leowolf in her embrace was giving it a good effort at getting free, and she had to bring it closer by shifting her shoulder to reset her grip. “Now you- Oh, sure, I’m happy I picked you too-”
“Feel around with your foot before you step, you don’t want to trip. I have a feeling if they get loose once that’s it, they’re not just going to let us catch them all easily. Isn’t that right?” Venny said to her and then to the pup she was carrying.
“I hear you. Is that right? You’re not getting caught again?” She asked hers, fixing her grip again as a pair of paws braced on her to help the pup twist around. “Well, that’s fair. We’ve got our part and you’ve got yours, I can’t blame you for that.”
It was slower going than they could have done, but even knowing it was pretty unlikely they were going to get a perfect grip they tried to keep the pups close to themselves to give them a little less room to wriggle out of their arm’s crook. Occasionally one would pull ahead of the other, but they’d end up stopping to reset their hold while the other caught up whether they wanted to or not. Even though their arms ached a little from supporting the pups they didn’t begrudge them or the effort to hold onto their squirming, having grown awfully attached to the pack over time. Vimmy’s turned to look at her and she smiled at it even as it went back to trying to free itself from her.
Focussed on getting to the tree but talking to each other or including the pups in their conversations since they knew they could understand them, Venny occasionally winced, feeling more stiffness in her arm than she’d have admitted but not willing to give up or shift the Leowolf to her other one. Even if this was fun, it was still training, and she was going to do her best to follow the rules she’d been given. Her tail occasionally dragged on the ground as she’d reset the hold she had, the Leowolf giving her some trouble but nothing she couldn’t handle…
“Whooo! Feels like you got heavier while we’ve been walking.” Vimmy confided to hers, straightening her back and then bending a little once she realized she’d inadvertently given the pup more space to maneuver. “When you tell your packmates all about this, make me sound really cool, okay?”
Finding the marked tree and then starting back, the hard part truly began. Their arms weren’t exhausted but they were certainly tired and a little achy, and their hand’s grip strength had withered and winnowed away; More than a few times the pups almost succeeded in escaping only for the girl to get them slotted back in at the last moment, right before they’d gotten free. Vimmy was surprised by how tired she actually was, while Venny had noticed and filed it away. They could take a break when they were done, not before and not during, because it just would have made the task harder to finish.
“...Are you having fun? Well, I’m glad for that. You’ve got a lot of spirit, I have to say!” She admitted to her pup, taking a deep breath as they kept going. She stepped over a stick and then had to shift her arm, caught off guard by the Leowolf’s sudden maneuver. “Were you waiting for that? You almost slipped out! Don’t worry, we’re gonna play our hearts out when this is done- but not a second before! You’re not going anywhere.”
“Aw, don’t listen to her. You almost had her that time!” Vimmy teased, Venny giving her a look before it broke and she laughed a little. “Okay, I can admit it. You did almost have me there.”
“She’s just not as good at this as me. Don’t you get any ideas.” Vimmy said to her pup, who turned to look at her again. She gave it a surprised double take.
Continuing to pick their way through the forest back the way they’d come, Vimmy moved some branches aside with her back for Venny as she lifted her pup to her shoulder and shook her arm out a little before resetting the Leowolf, Vimmy following and then letting out a sound as her Leowolf took the opportunity to quickly shift around from side to side, Vimmy almost losing her hold.
“Okay! Point proven! You’re not gonna- You just-” She spluttered, moving around to seize hold of the pup again while Venny smirked. “Not so easy, is it? I thought you were good at this.”
“Well, I am- but I think he’s better.” She admitted, her leowolf seeming satisfied by this pronouncement.
“We’re getting close, we just have to keep going… It’s crunch time. Imagine if we lost them now.” Venny cautioned, Vimmy giving her a distraught look. “Don’t say that! Don’t listen to her, you two, she’s just giving out some doom and gloom.”
Venny snickered and held her pup up again, keeping a hold of it with her bicep and elbow even as it tried to shimmy free. “Nope! No, you’re staying right here with me.”
“Does your arm hurt?”
“It didn’t until you mentioned it. What’ve you been eating, little guy? Bricks?” She joked to the Leowolf, Vimmy shaking her head. “It’s not their fault, it’s on us. I’ll take this over lifting weights most days, this is pretty fun.”
“For them or for us?”
“For all of us, I’d say. They seem pretty happy.”
“Yeah, fair point. I’m glad I picked you out of the pack even if you didn’t make this a walk in the park.” Vimmy said, smiling at her Leowolf even as it wriggled, she almost losing her grip again. “That wasn’t an invitation!”
The yapping greeted them as they re-emerged from the forest, the carried puppies barking back. Were they being teased for not escaping?
“...I will admit, I expected you to lose your grip at least once.” Celeste said, once the girls finally put the pups down; they promptly began bounding with endless energy, unable to have expressed it while being held, at least in a way that wouldn’t have potentially hurt their ‘partners’. Their ‘play bites’ could be a bit too firm. “You two did TRY, didn’t you?”
She was talking to the puppies. They responded by headbutting her knee.
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
Lots of annoyed sounding yapping barks. One of the non-carried leowolf pups had procured a stick and poked Celeste with it.
“Ow. All right Vimmy, Venny, take off your shoulder pads. Let’s go get some meat out of the freeze room and practice our cooking over an open fire. You lot, go get your parents and you can have first crack at the results.”
That task was considerably easier. The Leowolves eagerly ate whatever the girls cooked even if it was a bit overdone. Celeste kept testing the wind as they did so; she seemed a mite concerned. She thought her husband and daughter should have been home by then, and she wanted them to beat the storm.
In the end, the two did.
And didn’t. The girls didn’t need to be able to Read to be able to sense something was wrong when the two returned. The storm, in a way, had come with them, Patty seeming much more withdrawn than she normally was when she and her father turned up in the evening, just saying hello to her sisters and then going inside.
“...Girls, stay out here for now.” Celeste immediately pulled aside her husband, or rather he met her halfway, the two going inside the house and closing the door.
Silence descended on the yard. The Leowolves prowled around, some pawing at the ground where the snow had melted enough to expose the usual grass and dirt. The ones who had become closest to the dragon girls, one young female and two male puppies, named Saffron (the girl), Puff, and Mister Twister (the puppies, and those were their ‘human granted’ names: they had their own names within their culture that tended along the lines of ‘Caught The Scent Of Flowers Early One Spring’ when translated), stayed near them. Normally, dogs would have a look of confusion or concern, not knowing what was going on. It was the reverse in this case; the leowolves seemed to know more than the girls, and seemed to think they’d be asked.
As they cleaned up the fire, finishing the last bits of meat yet to be cooked, neither one had initially broached the subject. It was there, present amongst their other chatting, but until they didn’t have a real distraction they were busying themselves.
Vimmy was the first to finally break it. “What, uh… What happened? Is everything okay?”
“Here, we saved some odds and ends until now.” Venny offered the bits of fat and cooked miscellanea to the Leowolves, trying to be fair with who got what portion. “Saffron? I don’t suppose you could tell us what’s going on?”
“It’s probably nothing, right?” Vimmy said aside to her. Venny considered this for a second and then shook her head. “If it was nothing, they’d tell us it was nothing from the get go.”
Saffron chuffed, then began pawing at the ground.
It took her some time: canine paws were not exactly made for writing, and the dirt was cold and compact, making it harder. But the girls were fairly sure that Saffron wrote FAMILY. Then again, it was such a mess that it could have been FAULTY, or FEALTY. But that didn’t really sound like an answer.
Twister had gotten a stick. His writing was slower, but much more legible.
Saffron and Puff agreed.
Saffron agreed. Puff wasn’t sure. They meant human blood, is what they had smelled, the girls puzzled out.
That would mean…Patty? They smelled blood on her? Well, from how they were talking, it didn’t sound like HER blood, like she’d been injured, or was menstruating (which COULD be an answer: the process could make women feel out of sorts). More like she’d drawn blood. Considering she was the equivalent of a pacifist by Ravensky standards, that WAS odd.
There was the faint sound of raised voices. Well, that was a first. If they weren’t mishearing it, the girls were vaguely aware that they were hearing their ‘parents’ first argument, as in, the first they had ever heard. The Leowolves seemed to agree, their heads cocked, ears twitching.
More written words. The ‘doctor’ was Christopher: he’d first bonded himself to the Leowolf pack that had shared the space with him back when they’d first settled by providing medical treatment for a newborn litter that came down with a disease the Leowolves themselves couldn’t treat. Hence, their general term for him was ‘doctor’. (Celeste’s was ‘Windcutter’, due to her throwing daggers)
Saffron had written that with her own stick. She seemed to be saying “We won’t say any more, it’s akin to eavesdropping.”
Watching over the process, Vimmy and Venny hadn’t interrupted or chipped in with more questions as the Leowolves had explained since it would’ve confused the matter further; When they’d heard what sounded like an argument they’d both looked up and over at the house, a little shocked. They didn’t think of Celeste and Christopher as being in perfect lockstep, but they’d never heard them be at odds before now. It hadn’t entered their minds as a thing that could happen, and although they were both adults it dismayed them a little. Hoping they were just wrong since they didn’t know for sure, the two had turned back to the messages in the dirt taking shape once again at the same time.
“Man, blood, on Pupp- on Patty? Doctor did bad… Patty wasn’t her normal self just now, she went right inside and didn’t have anything to say either. Did you see blood on her?” Venny asked, eyebrows drawn. Vimmy shook her head. “No, but to be fair, I wasn’t exactly looking for it. Even if it had been there she’d have probably washed it off first before coming back.”
“I hope she’s okay. I don’t want her to have to struggle with something… Well, not to press you, but what did the docto- what did Christopher do? Can you tell us that, at least?” She asked with a shrug. “If not, that’s okay.”
“...I think I can guess, but you know what they say about assumptions.” Vimmy said hesitantly. Venny made an acknowledging gesture at her. “Well, I hate to say it, but no matter what’s going on we might have to just shut up and keep our noses out of it. It’s our business but it’s not OUR business, you know what I mean?”
“Yeah, but… Patty is so nice, and she tries really hard. I just don’t like the thought of her- you know. Being pressed.” Vimmy said uncomfortably. She looked back over the house and traced it with her eyes. “Puff, Saffron, Mister Twister- Were you with them? Or was it some of your other packmates?”
The girls then realized that was the wrong question: they’d been right there. The Leowolves also shook their heads on ‘what did he do’: either they didn’t know or wouldn’t say.
FAINT SCENT. They managed to write, running out of room in the exposed dirt and making the word ‘scent’ look more like ‘snt’.That suggested that there would have been no obvious blood to see and/or miss. They did seem to ask around their fellows to be sure, communicating in the language and method the unique animals had, but no new information was gathered.
Finally, the door opened again, Celeste coming back out and sitting on the porch steps with a sigh.
“May as well come over here, girls, won’t keep you completely out of the loop.” Celeste had one of her daggers out, spinning it around in her hand. A nervous twitch of sorts.
What happened?
“Family stuff.” Celeste sighed deeply again, before she tossed her blade across the front yard, impaling it in a tree. “You recall our tracking training?”
Yes: go in the forest, see if Christopher or Celeste or Julia or Patty could find you. They always had, usually fairly quickly. But it was a learning experience, and besides, those four knew the woods a lot better, as well as having had practice doing it.
“Well, Chris and Patricia went to Oriam as their last stop to check on some orders. While there, Patricia asked if he wanted to practice tracking her through a city. He agreed, she got a ten minute head start. A game of tag, basically. But…Patricia got into her head that she could do something else. Because Oriam is where her brother is stationed.”
Her brother?
Of course. Blade. The prodigal son, and supposed ‘black sheep’, though every family member would swear up and down that that was the wrong descriptor…except Blade himself. The dragon girls didn’t know much: just that Blade and his father had had a bad falling out, and Blade had run off and joined the Oriam military, where he was serving with distinction (per perhaps biased sources, ie, his own family, but the Ravenskys rarely puffed up accomplishments). He hadn’t had ZERO contact with his family since then, but it had mostly been his mother and Justice, his younger brother, whom he’d always been closest to.
“But when she tried to sneak into the camps and whatnot where he’s at the moment, she got intercepted. By HER.” Celeste’s voice had a mild sour note. “Oh. Ignore my tone. Just a mother being overprotective. ESPECIALLY since what happened that caused all this. By her, I mean Miss Guillory. Desiree. A top notch mercenary, works for one of the best, and cleanest, companies on the planet. We know because Christopher and I thoroughly scouted it. That’s my son’s curse, sort of. He’s the only one of us who can’t Read. In any way: Julia had a different pair of talents now, but she still has something. Blade had, has, nothing in that vein. So if she was out to get Blade, he’d have nothing but his intuition. She wasn’t…which makes her a damn rarity.
“While he can’t Read, Blade does have a certain…talent. Won’t give details, but he’s basically an army in and of himself. Even moreso than us, or you. And unfortunately, the world is full of people who have no faith in supposed clear intentions. Blade’s got numerous enemies, inside the military and out, who either want him under their thumb, directly under their control, or to be neutralized because it’s too likely in their minds he’ll go rogue. If it wasn’t for Paul and well, us, he’d be in an even harder situation…Desiree came into his life because she was basically told ‘Go see if we’re gonna have to assassinate this guy because he might ruffle the wrong feathers’. She concluded no, but well, between our family issues and the military brass more often than not being a problem, alongside a part of the troops Blade serves with, well…she’s managed to worm her way into a connection with my son. Is it a pure one? We looked, it seems so, she has no ill intentions. However, she REALLY doesn’t like us, based on why Blade is where he is. And while she might not be completely in the wrong there, she isn’t so good at holding her damn tongue and speaking her damn mind as she sees it.
“Basically, she told Patricia that she should leave, that Blade didn’t want to see her, he didn’t want to see ANY family drop in out of nowhere, he’d always want a heads up. And when Patricia insisted, and unfortunately, this is where you two come in…”
“Desiree basically sourly asked why Patty felt the obligation, because after all, she had two new siblings, didn’t she? Wasn’t Blade properly replaced? She was a bitch about it, but…well, I see where she was coming from. I also want to know how the hell she found out; she works in information fields, but that’s still something you’d have to go out of your way to discover. Then because they had been standing around at the edge of the camps so long, they got spotted by sentries and had to bail. And well…as you might have guessed, the damn woman hurt Patty’s feelings with her assumptions. I get her mindset. She’s protecting Blade. Who knows if he knows about you two himself? And if he does, well…
“I honestly can’t say it’s impossible that he might think along the same lines. That you’re replacements. It’s nonsense, but you know full well that emotions don’t listen to your brain a lot of the time. So that was part of it. The part that sort of involved you two.”
“...Aaaaaw.” Venny sighed, running her hand over her face and putting it over her mouth. It was like taking a blow she hadn’t seen coming. “Yeah, that’s… damn it...” That seemed to sum things up pretty well. Vimmy had tensed and looked down at the ground, not speaking yet. Both of them had picked up broad strokes of the dynamic between Blade and the rest of the family, but hadn’t pried; It truly wasn’t their business, or something they’d wanted to blunder their way in the midst of. Still, even with an overview, the two had known it was at least a slight possibility there would be feelings toward the way of them taking his place from at least one source or another…
“...We… We know that’s not how things are, we’ve never had the idea that we were taking anyone’s spot. Besides, it’d be impossible. There’s no chance we could replace him no matter what’s happened or what’s come between him and all of you. He’s your son and their brother, we’re just a pair that fell in- That’s never been something we wanted or something we’ve even- We’re our own thing entirely, we just found our way to you, we’ve got nothing to do with-” Venny trailed off, trying to explain themselves but faltering. Vimmy shook her head.
“I wish she hadn’t found us out, however she did…Patty didn’t need us thrown in her face. That had to hurt worse than a slap.” Vimmy said quietly, looking over to the house again. In the moment she was more concerned over her than with themselves. She’d had ideas of heading something like this off that were more or less just vagaries instead of anything real, but it made her feel a little like an intruder again. “I was sort of hoping it would never come up, but I guess that was dumb of me.”
“...We really didn’t mean to make these things worse. I’m sorry.” Venny scratched her head, behind her horns. “I guess we should’ve picked up this could have happened, but I thought there’d be, I don’t know, some way we could spring out and smooth things over before- Well, before anyone else knew we were here. I can’t blame Blade for seeing it that way, if he does, but I was hoping we’d be able to explain ourselves first instead of just being painted with a bad brush. It isn’t the long and short of things at all, even if it looks that way.”
“...Did something else happen on top of that?” Vimmy asked, squirming slightly. She felt guilty and knew perfectly well why. “I mean, that’s plenty to start, but…”
“The other part isn’t really my place to tell you. Neither is it Christopher’s, really. But you know how Patricia feels about her father. We’ve tried to let her in on the fouler details, to a degree, as she’s gotten close to being an adult, but she still thinks her father was primarily a great champion of striking down evil and injustice. And he WAS, but…and she’s thought, I can just follow that example, but not his methods. But the one thing we never could find a way to tell her…sigh. Is that the world might not cooperate.
“Basically, after that, on their way home, they ran into trouble. Patricia asked to handle it. She did, but…due to the situation, her senses were keyed up. So I think she picked up more than she normally would about certain intentions and likely meanings…and it…wound her up. She got more aggressive than she normally does. That’s not the key issue though. She stopped, Christopher checked on her, she stepped away…and well, my husband looked down at her work, saw the ‘man’ for what he was, what he wanted, how he’d upset his little girl, and well…his other half briefly came out. The kind that lived for eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, and all that. Just a deep, momentary urge to violently kill the man, but he kept himself under control…but that desire, an almost NEED, filled him up briefly…
“...Normally, Patricia wouldn’t have really noticed. But her senses were keyed up, so this time…well. She got an inkling of the parts of our lives we did our best to keep away from our children. I think between Desiree and seeing that, whatever else, that darn woman was on some level RIGHT…
“...well, it was what it was. Is.
“...I think she’ll process it. It’s hard for anyone to get a realization that their parents are people. But she hero-worshipped her father most of her life; Hope might have been his ‘girl’, but she had, has her own life, wants. Julia followed in his footsteps more because of her curse than her really wanting to. But Patricia wanted to be him, albeit with less…intense methods, since she could read, as in, read and write read, and read the first base accounts of what he and I did back before any of the children were born. Just what she has decided to NOT be…well, there’s no way avoiding her learning what that is. But she probably didn’t expect to learn it like that.
“That’s all I can tell you. Or feel I should be allowed to. If she doesn’t say anything, well…that will be that. I got mad at Christopher for having a moment, but I know myself. If our positions were reversed…probably nothing would have changed. It might have been even worse. You’ve only seen me at my best, at my most composed, but back in the day, I had a worse temper than both my daughter and my husband. And it’s still there. Just down in a box, no longer needed. Unless it feels it is.
“I’d ask how she’s feeling and just leave it there.” Celeste said as her final assessment.
“That’s probably the best approach. I don’t think us jumping on her and doing a bunch of prying and wheedling would be a good idea.” Venny nodded, seizing on that. Even from their own perspectives they had an inkling of the fact that Christopher and Celeste were multifaceted, but they’d also come in at a much later time… and besides, it wasn’t hard to have some empathy. In some ways they’d had the same view of their own dead parents, and finding out something that challenged those ideals would have shocked them pretty hard.
“You have a worse temper?” Vimmy asked, blinking. She genuinely wouldn’t have believed it, but after a few seconds she realized in itself that proved the point awfully well. They really hadn’t seen Celeste at anything but her best, it was certainly a part of why they’d been drawn to her the way they had… She shrugged to mentally shrug it off as well, knowing she was probably feeling a hundredth of what Patty was.
“Well, understood. We’ll be there for her, if she wants us there, but we- You’re all our family now, but that doesn’t mean we’re just going to shove ourselves into the throat of things that don’t concern us if we shouldn’t.” Venny said, looking to Vimmy, who nodded to her. They weren’t outsiders anymore, but they could still have some tact… “What a mess.”
“That’s life. If it wasn’t a mess, especially for the likes of us…well, I doubt we’d be sitting here. But yes. I had a worse temper. You recall these, I’m sure, Vimmy?” Celeste held up her personal blade (well, one of them) by the blade. Ruination, Vimmy believed. “You remember what I told you about them?”
“Um…they’re called an…Engine…Emotion Engine. They’re basically super special and complicated Intrickys…Intricacies that need emotion to get made.”
“You might have seen Paul’s weapon, Skyfall, in our files. The multi-gun weapon. Ian’s is a ‘second rate copy’, for lack of a better term. Paul’s weapon is a literal portable anything-you-need arsenal. Any type of firearm you want, you can make it into. Beyond even what Ian’s Incarnate can do. His wife, well, his girlfriend at the time, Laura, made it. Her emotion was love. She loved him, she wanted him to come back alive from the final battle with Xaxargas…it took her five weeks to fully make it. And it drained her so bad that she was basically bedridden for three days afterwards. And she declined to go to the Blacklands with him as a result, for the final battle. It maybe saved her life, or else the 44 might have been the 45, who knows…when I was just a bit older than you, and was fully under Christopher’s wing…he taught me the process, because my rage was so great that in some ways, it scared him. It would, he believed, lessen it.
“It took me one night to make these. Ramification and Ruination. And I barely felt tired afterwards. Now, he wasn’t wrong about it helping…but I would say it still speaks for itself.
“So yes, my sweet girls. I do have a temper. I once had a much worse temper. And I’m not proud of some of the things I did while it ran roughshod over me. And even now, well…last year showed I can still fail by it.” Coral, she meant. “All this training, well…I have seen the echoes of the rage YOU had once, Vimmy. I will do my very best to ensure that anger, if it comes back out, serves you, and not the reverse. You as well, Venny, though yours is a different color. Julia gets her own temper from both of us, her father and I, but I really do think she mainly gets it from me. That whole incident where she rampaged through a criminal lair at that alien location and was so out of control that the Kobbers arrested her for it? That’s exactly what I was, once. Hopefully my change from that is complete and irreversible. Slip ups like with that Coral girl aside.”
“Yeah, I used to… Well, I’m just glad I met you when I did, and not before. Even when I was at my best I was just such a brat all the time, biting people’s heads off for looking at me wrong and destroying everything that got in my way. I’m kind of glad none of you had to see that.” Vimmy admitted, embarrassed over it now. A lot of her memories of the last few years before coming to Glasetera were colored by at best a low, simmering rage at the world and everyone in it. She’d been so close she hadn’t really understood herself, but outside of it now… “We heard some of how Julia had been, but I don’t think we ever really saw it ourselves.”
“No, even when she beat the both of us it didn’t really come out. Otherwise I’m pretty sure we’d be dead. Or the other fights we were all involved in, she always had control.” Venny pointed out. “Ours was… We’ve got different temperaments, but the anger is the same. Just being mad at everything and how it all worked. Where we were in it, and our rage built until it spilled out like pressure venting. That was the big first step for both of us, learning how to swallow those chips on our shoulders and get over ourselves. Everything else sort of came from that.”
“I think I get a little more how Patty feels, I couldn’t imagine you snapping. At all.” It was Vimmy’s turn to scratch her head behind her horns. “We didn’t come to Weav blind, or thinking you and your family were perfect, but we’ve only ever seen the best. Even Christopher, you all told us some of the good and the bad about him, but it’s not something we’ve… I guess not something we thought of as shades of pure black and white. If our former lives taught us anything it’s that most things have at least a little grey.”
“...We don’t need you all to be perfect anyway, just yourselves. That’s all we could hope for.” Venny said, able to smile at least a little. She meant it.
Celeste, in the end, didn’t say what came to her mind in regards to that final sentence of the discussion.
“Our selves might sometimes be the worst thing we could be.”